Student Life
The Hill Top community is built on strong and trusting relationships between students and faculty and an environment that’s safe for students to challenge themselves in ways they couldn’t anywhere else. The fact is, the more involved our students are, the more success they’ll enjoy and Hill Top has no shortage of opportunities to get involved.
Refer to the menu on the right for more detailed information on each of these programs.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
At Hill Top Preparatory School, diversity is an important part of who we are. Our school community embraces diversity in terms of ability (including learning differences), race, ethnicity, nationality, economic background, gender, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation. We believe that diverse identities and perspectives enrich our community, making Hill Top a vibrant place for academic and social development. Our aim is to celebrate our differences, nurture our common ground, and create a school climate that is safe, respectful, and welcoming for all. We aspire to prepare our students with the life skills and experience to be thoughtful, compassionate citizens who contribute to our communities and our global society.