Health & Wellness

This page is designed to help you navigate through information regarding your student’s health and wellness as it relates to their time at Hill Top Prep. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Susan Butler, RN
School Nurse
610-527-3230 ext. 615
Health Packets
Listed below is information regarding HTPS’s Health Packet. Information needed will depend on your students grade level, after-school activity involvement, and/or medication needs.
Hill Top Preparatory School’s Health Packet consists of three forms:
Below are categories of students and the form(s) they must complete. Please see what category/categories your student falls into and complete and submit all listed forms. Additionally, if your student chooses to participate in afternoon sports, outdoor club, and/or fitness club, we need a physical examination.
New Students:
- Physical Examination Form
- Dental Examination Form
Students entering 6th or 11th grade:
- Physical Examination Form
Students entering 7th grade:
- Dental Examination Report
Students who will take medication at school:
- All medications are administered through the nurse’s office. Students are not permitted to carry medication with them. The exception is an inhaler or EpiPen with written permission from the parent and physician. If a student takes medication in the morning prior to school, it is strongly suggested to keep an extra dose at school in case of a missed dose at home.
COVID-19 Health Guidance
- Stay home and get treatment.
- Resume normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, your symptoms are improving and you are fever free.
- To prevent spreading the disease, take precautions for the next 5 days including:
- Tacking precautions for cleaner air
- Masking
- Enhancing hygiene
- Practicing physical distancing
- Testing for the virus