Bulletin Board » Community Meeting Announcements January 25, 2022

Community Meeting Announcements January 25, 2022

Community Meeting Announcements
January 25, 2022

Today’s After School Activities
Bowling- pick up at 5:00 pm
Homework Club- pick up at 5:00 pm

Today’s Music: Thank you to Max Harmelin and Sam Bullock for today’s song suggestions.

All-star student award
Every marking period we have an award called the All-star student award for the middle schooler who best exemplifies community spirit and Academic scholarship.

For the 2nd marking period the Nominees for the Middle School All-Star Student are:
1. Teddy Locke
2. Ben Sears
3. Sophie Bassman
4. Max Behling
5. Nathan Taichman
6. Ian Goldberg

The award goes to Sophie Bassman for her positivity she brings to the community, her willingness to step out of her comfort zone, and her contributions to the student council! Congratulations to all nominated students!

Visiting Family
We welcomed a family who is looking at Hill Top’s 7th grade for their son for next year.

A New Look to Website Homepage
Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures to our photo contest and congratulations to the winners! It was very cool to receive participation from students, staff, parents, and alumni. The nine winning photos are currently rotating on our website’s homepage carousel. Feel free to continue sending your photos to Mr. Willis ([email protected]) throughout the year.

Young Writer's Award
Mrs. Nelson reminded all students about the annual Young Writer's Award sponsored by her teachers' organization, Alpha Delta Kappa. This year's prompt is "How have your lived experiences (or cultural experiences) shaped you into the young individual you are today?" There will be two 1st place awards of $100 each, one for grades 9-12 and another for grades 6-8. In addition, there will be an honorable mention award of $50 for both grades 9-12 and 6-8. Entries should be emailed to [email protected] by March 4. Contact Mrs. Nelson to receive more details at [email protected].

Transportation Reminder
As we are now into the winter months, here are a few things to remember regarding transportation and school closings. If your child takes school district transportation, please make sure that you pay attention to your individual school district’s instructions. If your district is delayed, your child’s bus will be delayed, if your district is closed, your child will not have transportation to Hill Top. If Hill Top is open and your district is closed, your child’s absence will not be counted as a day out of school. If Hill Top closed due to the weather, you will receive an automated phone call letting you know the status of the day. In addition, you will see the information on our school’s website, and all of the major TV stations will have our school’s name and status on the “crawl” at the bottom of the screen. Our school phone message will have the information as well. Please contact me with any questions at [email protected].